Wellbeing in St. Brendan’s C.S.
Wellbeing is currently provided through subjects such as SPHE, CSPE, PE and Guidance. This forms
part of New Junior Cycle programme where our school is required to design and plan a substantial
Wellbeing Programme consisting of 400 timetabled hours. Wellbeing promotion is also achieved by
highlighting wellbeing learning experiences in other subjects as well as extra-curricular activities and
co-curricular learning.
This exciting new element of the junior cycle enables students learn the knowledge, attitudes and
skills to enable them to protect and promote their own Wellbeing and that of others.
Why Wellbeing Matters
All the day-to-day interactions that take place in school can impact on students Wellbeing.
Therefore, everyone can play a part in supporting Wellbeing. Students have a right to feel cared for
in schools. Developing good relationships in the classroom and throughout the school are essential
for students Wellbeing and for effective teaching and learning. When students feel included,
respected and listened to, they are more ready to learn and more successful in their learning.
Wellbeing matters not only because it leads to students doing better in school, but it can also
influence young people’s outcomes as adults.
Six Indictors of Wellbeing
To help ensure everyone - students, parents and teachers – have common understanding of what
Wellbeing means, the six indicators describe how Wellbeing is assessed. These indicators are not
seen as goals or targets to be reached. The journey towards Wellbeing is never complete and will
always involve ups and downs. Often it is through dealing with obstacles and set-backs that people
grow. The Wellbeing indicators make it easier for everyone to have conversations about student
Wellbeing and may help identify where a student is in need of support.
In 2019 St. Brendan’s C.S. established its first Wellbeing Committee consisting of staff and student
representatives. Its aim has been to make Wellbeing an integral part of daily life at St. Brendan’s by
enhancing whole-school commitment to student Wellbeing and student welfare. This was facilitated
by creating an environment where students felt safe, connected, supported, cared about and
challenged. The work of our Wellbeing Committee has ensured our students feel proud, resilient,
respected and respectful of others, they take responsibility for their actions and are capable of
building positive relationships with a range of people.
St. Brendan’s C.S. facilitates many extra-curricular activities which also assists in promoting student
Wellbeing Wednesday
Each Wednesday during the school year students in St.Brendan’s C.S. took a break from their classwork and participated in 10-minute Wellbeing activities which were delivery by the class teacher. Such activities included meditation, yoga, team bonding games, lessons on hope,
resilience and connectedness etc.
Strava Challenge
Our school also launched the Distance/Strava Challenge.This whole approach to physical activity and wellbeing aimed to encourage healthy competition and to increase motivation levels during school closure. Students worked within their Year Groups and tried to clock up the most
active minutes and kilometres. Each week the Year Group in the lead was announced aswell as the top athlete.
Bonding Days
At the beginning of each academic year our Junior Cycle students along with Transition Year students visited Birr Outdoor Pursuits Centre and participated in team building events and games.
Antibullying Week
Antibullying Week shone a light on anti-bullying strategies in St. Brendan’s and reinforced the message that bullying is not acceptable. It also reminded our students that we are all one big community and together we have the power to make positive changes.
LGBTIQ+ Week aimed to tackle homophobic and transphobic bullying in St. Brendan’s by increasing awareness, friendship and support for LGBTIQ students.
SBCS Mental Health Awareness Day
This event raised mental health awareness among our school community. Students decorated the school building with posters and banners. Teachers wore bright coloured clothing, and our TY students produced a video on how our school promotes mental health. This video was also posted
on social media.
Colour To Conquer Event
St. Brendan’s C.S. held an Amber Flag Fundraiser ‘Colour to Conquer Event’ on our return to school in April 2021. The event involved teachers dying their hair fun colours. Students voted daily to choose the hair colour of their teachers. The event included the entire school community and was highly publicised on our school’s social media platforms. The Colour to Conquer event also raised awareness of the important work carried out by Pieta
The Headstrong initiative empowered our students to become mental health champions and helped to reduce the stigma of mental health issues. It also inspired our students to be brave, reach out and speak up.
Schools Go Orange Day
This event promoted positive mental health and addressed mental health issues by building resilience. It also spread the message that ‘it is ok, not to feel ok’.
Jigsaw - One Good School
This initiative supported the mental health and wellbeing of our students by developing a shared responsibility across the whole school community.
Our Meitheal programme is based on respect within the school community. The programme enabled our students to take responsibility for the happiness of others and for the safety and wellbeing of all who share the school environment.
Internet Safety Day
Our Internet Safety Day is an initiative which teaches our students how to act responsibly when online.
Humour Fit Anti Bullying Drama
Humour Fit is a theatre in schools initiative. In St. Brendan’s it highlighted the importance of respect for others which gave our students important life education skills.
Wellbeing/Amber Flag Committee 2022/2023
Sabrina Carroll (Wellbeing Coordinator)
Fidelma Foy Keane (Management Representative)
Tara Cusack (Guidance Representative)
Patricia White (Guidance Representative)
Kate Liffey (School Chaplain)
Catherine Ryan (SPHE Representative)
Celine Finn (CSPE Representative)
Sheila Sullivan (PE Representative)
Oisin Digan Sullivan (Student Representative)
Nicole Bennett (Student Representative)