St. Brendan's Community School

Mission Statement and Ethos

Our aim is to create a caring community of learning where each individual is valued as a unique human being.

(a) Introduction

St. Brendan's Community School offers each student the chance to study, for state and other examinations, a wide range of academic, cultural and technical subjects. Equally important are the many further opportunities for physical, social, cultural and moral development which are promoted through a rich variety of extracurricular activities.

We strongly encourage each and every student to take a positive role in the life of the school, to become involved in school activities and to contribute in any way he or she can to a happy and productive school atmosphere.

St. Brendan's expects the highest possible standards from each all students. Students are encouraged to enter with whole-hearted effort into their work and leisure activities and, in this way, to make life at school both enjoyable and rewarding.

The foundation upon which a productive atmosphere is built is, of course, RESPECT. (i) Self respect, (ii) respect for others and (iii) respect for property are the ground rules on which our code of conduct is based. It is within an atmosphere of respect and care that worthwhile achievements are made. Equally, we are committed to (iv) protecting the safety and welfare of the entire school community and (v) striving to the highest possible quality of Teaching and Learning. Furthermore it is expected that (vi) each member of the school community will try to belong fully to it by promoting a positive image of the school at all times.

(b) Characteristic Spirit of the School

St. Brendan’s Community School takes its inspiration from the traditions and values of its founding Trustees and Staffs. The Presentation Brothers’ College, The Sisters of Mercy Convent and Birr Vocational School held shared commitments to compassionate service to the second-level education of all students in the area of Birr and its hinterland.
St. Brendan’s espouses the principle of a student-centred focus and aims to serve the educational needs of the broad range of abilities of students within its catchment area. The school aims to support the moral, mental, physical, spiritual, social and cultural development of its students.

Towards these purposes, the school provides a broad curriculum including academic, technical, practical and cultural studies and aims to foster student choice and responsibility for learning through the design and implementation of curriculum.

A tradition of partnership and collegiality has evolved that seeks to involve appropriately the staff, students, parents and the agencies of the broader community served by the school in the work of St. Brendan’s. In this regard an active partnership among the majority Christian denominations of the catchment area has been fostered in a spirit of mutual respect, co-operation and tolerance.

The school has also evolved a tradition as a learning community with a history of commitment to curriculum development, organisational development and the encouragement of professional development.

A spirit of co-operation, of serious yet friendly engagement in learning characterised by mutual care, respect and trust has been developed among staff and students. The welfare and educational progress of students is at the heart of all endeavours in the school.

(c) Ethos of St. Brendan’s

Our Mission Statement – An Inclusive Vision

Our Mission Statement was initially composed by staff during monthly workshops and feedback processes over a full school year and was reviewed in 2008/09.

Our Mission Statement applies to all members of the school community. As well as students, it was composed to include parents, cleaners, caretakers, catering staff, administrative staff and also teachers.

As individuals, we are equal and entitled to receive the same measure of respect and consideration as all others. Any behaviour that confers inferior status on others or assumes superior status for oneself is against the spirit and meaning of the Mission Statement.

The only inequality that should be acknowledged is that of experience in as much as we must all be ready to learn from the experience of others, be prepared to listen and enquire and also be prepared to respond warmly to others seeking our insights, advice and support.

In any community or group, friction is inevitable. How we handle friction to prevent conflict is important. Slow to anger, quick to forgive is a helpful maxim. To paraphrase St. Francis, to understand is more important than to be understood.

At national level, there are agreements and procedures in place for dealing with grievances. Teacher Unions, Management Bodies and the Department of Education and Skills have formulated policies and protocols for grievance procedures, which have been adopted by St. Brendan’s. Covering such areas as bullying, sexual harassment and others, these procedures should only need to be initiated as a last resort. Copies are available from the office if required.

St. Brendan's School Crest

Cappaneale, Birr, Co. Offaly
057 912 0510
© 2025 St. Brendan's Community School