St. Brendan’s Community School Birr
Parents' Association
Dear Parents / Guardians
Welcome to our Parents' Association web page. As we commence a new year at St. Brendan's Community School we would like to say a very big Thank You to all Parents / Guardians who supported our events in the last year. We would like to Thank the Principal and the full School Community for all they do for our children. We would like to extend a special welcome to our new students and families. We look forward to getting to know you and invite you to attend our PA meetings throughout the year.
About Us
Our Parents' Association (PA) encourages all Parents/ Guardians to play an active role in the life of our school community. Our PA promotes the interests of students and facilitates good cooperation and communication between the Principal, Board of Management, teachers, staff and students at our school for the best possible education for our children.
Where effective partnership exists between home and school, the benefits are clear:
Ø children learn more, behave better and are happier at school
Ø teachers are more effective when their supported by parents.
What we do
The Education Act 1998 (section 26) states:
“A Parent Association shall promote the interest of all students in a school in cooperation with the Board, Principal, teachers and students of a school and for that purpose may:
Ø advise the Principle or Board on any matters relating to the school and the Principle or Board, as the case may be, shall have regard to any such advice
Ø adopt a programme of activities which will promote involvement of parents, in consultation with the Principle, in the operation of the school”.
The PA supports our school in many ways, and this includes helping with fund raising activities for identified school projects. The PA engages in many other supporting activities throughout the year as well as sponsoring school specific events. The PA also provides parental views and input on school policies and programs. The PA strive to work in collaboration with the full school community and the students to achieve the best outcomes for each student.
The Current PA Leaders
Chair person - Ms. Sandra Fernandes 085-8034846
Secretary - Mr. Ronan Harding
Assistance Secretary- Ms. Sharon Quegan
Treasurer – Ms. Loretta O Brien
All Parents/Guardians who have children enrolled in St. Brendan's community school are automatically members of the Parents Association and are invited to join our PA meetings.
Parents/Guardians can access information about the PA via this web page, and/or by contacting any current member of the PA. Communication regarding upcoming meetings/events will take place via a whatsapp group (which you are welcome to join) alternatively PA meetings dates and our AGM date will be posted on Compass the school app.
Get Involved
Are you a current or a new Parent/ Guardian? You are invited to attend our meetings, some like to come and hear the Principals reports on the many and varied activities that occur daily in the lives of our children attending the school, others enjoy the opportunity to meet other parents/guardians and share experiences about bringing up children and helping them to not only learn in their environments but to grow and thrive. Connecting and engaging with parents similar to yourself can provide a great source of support. Some like to be more active members and help and participate in supporting the school in various ways.
Our PA aims to enable all Parents/Guardians to contribute to an enhanced learning environment for our children. Your thoughts are invaluable to us! Should you have any feedback, suggestions for future initiatives, please attend our meetings or feel free to contact any member of the current PA team.
Best Wishes to our Students and full School Community for a Healthy, Productive and Happy School year in 2024/2025
Thanking You for your time and encouraging you to attend upcoming PA Meetings.